Microsoft Office
Your Path to Zero Trust
In a business world without perimeters and dominated by remote work, finding a balance between easy collaboration...
7 Critical Reasons for Office 365 Backup
You have one more reason added to the 6 critical reasons to protect your Office 365 data. This 5-minute...
Back to the Basics: Cyber Hygiene Starts with Asset Management
The challenge: managing millions of dynamic, distributed and diverse assets while maintaining high standards...
Transforming the way Businesses Consume Technology
Technology has never been easier to pay for, manage and support. The way products and services are consumed...
How to Leverage O365 for a Zero Trust Strategy
Enterprise adoption of Microsoft Office 365 (O365) skyrocketed to over 258,000,000 users in 2020 and...
Simply SQL 2017, Teach Yourself SQL
SQL is the language used by all major database systems today. SQL has been around for about 30 years,...
Top 4 Pitfalls to Avoid when Deploying Office 365
There's no denying that Office 365 is a big deal. It's a big part of the Microsoft Intelligent Cloud...
Hyperconverge Microsoft SQL Server to Simplify Application Delivery
To run SQL workloads efficiently, you need the low cost and high performance of hyperconverged infrastructure...
The CIOs Guide to Data and Analytics Innovation
How are you putting your data to work? At a time when change is the only constant, IT leaders are being...
Microsoft Teams Backup - a Conversational Geek E-book
Learn everything you need to know about protecting Teams data from this Conversational Geek e-book by...
Inside Complex Ransomware Operations and the Ransomware Economy
Ransomware operators have steadily become more sophisticated and more aligned with nation-state actors,...
Empowering Better Patient Care: Healthcare Mobile Solutions Hotsheet
The cost of healthcare is rising exponentially across the globe. Health services are challenged by a...
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