
DataOps: Moving Financial Services Organizations Into The New Economy
There has never been a more uncertain—yet more promising—time for financial services organizations. Global...

Penetration Testing For Dummies
Target, test, analyze, and report on security vulnerabilities with pen-testing Pen-Testing is necessary...

How to Build a Micro-Segmentation Strategy
Micro-segmentation reduces your attack surface and prevents the spread of breaches inside your data center...

Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication
This white paper provides an overview of Okta Adaptive Multi-factor Authentication (MFA). For security...

Using SharePlex to Accelerate Kafka Streaming
For many businesses, data that's even an hour old is too stale for some decisions. Companies are demanding...

Best Practices to Adopt and Drive Data Privacy Governance
Data is the business-critical lifeblood of your digital transformation, enabling new revenue streams,...

Moor Insights: Cloud is Built on Modern Infrastructure
The modern enterprise lives in a multi-cloud world, where delivery of infrastructure resources and IT...

The Definitive Guide to Data Warehouse Modernisation
Data Management Patterns for Next-Generation Analytics and AI. Modern data management practices raise...

Privilege Access Management Buyers' Guide
Security breaches show no signs of slowing, and credential theft is the number one attack vector. Privileged...

3 Benefits of Running Your Business-Critical Applications on NetApp
Make the Most of Your Essential Data Today's customers are connected. They want information at their...

Why you need an adaptive security segmentation solution
The threat landscape is more dynamic than ever before, and as business-critical applications traverse...

Upgrading Quest Toad for Greater Security
IT administrators are right to draw a line in the sand when it comes to the software they install –...

A 5-Step Guide to Supercharging Your SaaS Apps
This eBook tells the story of three supestar application developers - Jack Ellis from Fathom Analytics,...
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