Microsoft Teams

2021 State of the Phish
There's no question that organisations (and individuals) faced many challenges in 2020, both new and...

Powering your organisation with an agile productivity stack
I wonder where our important files have run off to today.' When you've got one seamless, secure platform...

Enhancing Teams with enterprise-grade telephony
Today's businesses depend on a robust communications experience to drive innovation, and phone calls...

Reimagine How Work Gets Done - Introducing Fujitsu Work Life Shift
It's time to reimagine a new future. The concept of the workplace has changed forever. It's no longer...

HR Service Delivery Transformation Whitepaper
Learn how IT teams can use Workday Help to improve the employee experience instead of customization via...

Osterman Research: How to Comply with the CPRA Report
With the unprecedented ability of organizations to digitally collect, process and sell personal data...

The Benefits of the Cloud: A Guide for IT Leaders
Increase your organization's resiliency and agility. Working with agility and driving innovation can...

Cyber Risk Commands C-suite's Focus: The State of Email Security 2023
As companies grow more skittish over rising economic volatility and intensifying geopolitical tensions,...

The Ultimate CX Agent Guide
Customers have embraced technology to manage all aspects of daily lives, setting off a digital disruption...

Responding Smarter, Faster and Better
In cybersecurity, a critical event is a major incident that's disruptive enough to pose a meaningful...
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